Nursing care in postoperative patient of an aneurysm clipping


  • Sonny Hannali Mata-Delgado Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
  • Rosa Maria Pecina-Leyva Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí



cerebral aneurysm, hemorrhagic CVE, Nursing Care Process, posoperative


Introduction: cerebral aneurysms are localized dilations of the arterial wall, usually found in bifurcation points such as the large arteries of the polygon of Willis, which have the potential to rupture and bring with them serious complications such as the hemorrhagic cerebrovascular event (HCE), in where the mortality is 66%. Due to the impact of this pathology, the nursing professional needs to provide comprehensive care to this group of patients, through the use of the Nurse Care Process (NCP), which is aimed at the planning and development of systematic, logical and rational.

Objective: develop a nursing care plan throughout the use of the NANDA, NIC, NOC, taxonomy for a posoperative patient of an aneurysm clipping based on the pathophysiolo­gy of the disease and its surgical intervention based on a clinical case.

Material and methods: evaluation by functional health patterns of a postoperative pa­tient of an aneurysm clipping, bibliographic review and elaboration of the individualized NCP with the use of the NNN taxonomy.

Conclusion: the neurosurgical patient represents a great challenge in the health area, that is the main reason why nursing professional must respond to the social and proper needs of the discipline to play an efficient role in the execution of an individualized care plan that allows the achievement of results established by the multidisciplinary team.


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How to Cite

Mata-Delgado, S. H. ., & Pecina-Leyva, R. M. (2019). Nursing care in postoperative patient of an aneurysm clipping. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 17(3), 11–22.