Uncertainty in illness. Application nurse care theory


  • Fernando Trejo Martínez




Care nurse, uncertainty in illness, Merle Mishel


The middle-range theory proposed by Dr. Mishel, which are evaluated reactions taking people to the disease, either their own or a loved one, for which conceptualizes the level of uncertainty in illness as: the inability of the person to determine the significance of the facts related to the disease, being unable to give definite values to objects or events and therefore can not predict the outcome, a phenomenon caused by a lack of information and / or knowledge. So that if the event is effectively evaluated, then the adjustment will occur. The difficulty of adaptation depends on the ability of strategies compiled to handle uncertainty in the desired direction, either to keep it, if we evaluate it as an opportunity, or to play, if we evaluate as a danger. Also the theory can be used in a wide range of possibilities, since both the sick person, and their families face stressful situations that generate uncertainty, which is why the nurse, knowing the theory can guide the person to focus their evaluation as an opportunity, and direct their strategies to achieve adaptation.


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How to Cite

Trejo Martínez, F. (2012). Uncertainty in illness. Application nurse care theory. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 11(1), 34–38. https://doi.org/10.51422/ren.v11i1.120