Causes that influence the learning of vital signs: A key element within the nursing process
Causes that limit learning, technique of the vital signs, nursing processAbstract
Introduction: The purpose of the present study was to know causes that limit learning of the technique of the vital signs. The vital signs are the first life indicators and are necessary elements for the nursing assessment, as like an essential element of nursing caring process. Some nursing students show difficulty learning the technique of the vital signs, and there is not any research in this topic. Methodology: A research was done a research in a school consisting of human resources in nursing, transverse, retrospective and descriptive study, where 137 nursing students in second year of the career participated. Results: The students referred that the didactic strategies used by the teachers were good but the causes that limit learning the technique of the vital signs are multiple among them difficulty in the perception skills, and other causes were fear, lack of safety, etc. Conclusion: This research demonstrated that learning the technique of the vital signs due to the strategies and personal style of the nursing students.