Lifestyle and self-esteem in persons with diabetes in a suburban community


  • Sofía Cheverría-Rivera
  • Martha Landeros-López
  • María Candelaria Betancourt-Esparza
  • Rina Orozco-Medina
  • Raúl Hernández-Cruz



Life Style, Self Concept, Diabetes Mellitus, Health Behavior, Adult, Aged


Introduction. Lifestyles and self-esteem affect health behaviors of people with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (DM2) to maintain control.


Objective. To identify the relation between life­styles and the self-esteem, in diabetics type 2.

Material and methods: Descriptive- transver­sal and Correlational study, in 81 persons from a suburban community in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Adults and seniors, men and women with DM2 who agreed to participate were included. Were applied: a) An instrument for measuring the life­style in diabetic (IMEVID) with 25 items that weights be favorable, unfavorable and favorable); b) self-es­teem scale with 10 items (strongly agree to strongly disagree) weighted high, medium and low. The processing and analysis was SPSS version 20, de­scriptive and statistical association was obtained by Pearson correlation.

Results: The mean age was 57.9 years, and fe­male predominance. High self-esteem was found in 62.9% and lifestyle 51.7% from unfavorable to fa­vorable, were not associated statistically as in other studies.

Conclusions: It is necessary to promote favor­able lifestyle, and although the variables were not associated, medium-high self-esteem is a strength to control the disease.


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How to Cite

Cheverría-Rivera, S., Landeros-López, M., Betancourt-Esparza, M. C., Orozco-Medina, R., & Hernández-Cruz, R. (2015). Lifestyle and self-esteem in persons with diabetes in a suburban community. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 14(1), 29–36.