Effect of an educational intervention on nursing diagnosis’ conformation and recording


  • Marcio Jiménez Gutiérrez
  • Javier Ricardo López Herrera
  • Guillermina Romero Quechol
  • Marilin Martínez Olivares
  • Marisela Bermúdez Martínez
  • Gabriela Adriana Cruz Ojeda
  • Carolina Consejo Y Chapela
  • Ana María Gordillo Avila




nursing diagnosis, nursing process, educational intervention


Introduction: Nursing diagnosis is defined as a clinical judgment about individual experiences/ responses. Through nursing diagnosis are identified necessities and they provide the basis for nursing interventions.

Objective: To evaluate the effect of an educational intervention on nursing diagnosis´ conformation and recording.

Methodology: Quasi experimental design. It was designed an educational intervention program based on constructivism theory knowledge that was received by nurses from experimental group (EG) in the Hospital A, versus nurses from control group (CG) in the Hospital B who didn’t received the educational program. To evaluate knowledge it was used an instrument validated by experts and that showed a reliability of 0.845 with Cronbach’s alpha. To measure nursing diagnosis´ conformation and recording it was used the instrument “Quality of Nursing Diagnosis” (QOD) previously validated. For the statistical analysis it was used Student´s t test.

Results: After the intervention on EG we found significant changes on nursing diagnosis´ structuring and recording (p 0.004). There were not significant changes on CG.

Conclusions: Educational programs improve nursing diagnosis knowledge and have a positive effect on nursing diagnosis´ conformation and recording.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Gutiérrez, M., López Herrera, J. R., Romero Quechol, G., Martínez Olivares, M., Bermúdez Martínez, M., Cruz Ojeda, G. A., Consejo Y Chapela, C., & Gordillo Avila, A. M. (2016). Effect of an educational intervention on nursing diagnosis’ conformation and recording. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 15(2), 80–85. https://doi.org/10.51422/ren.v15i2.227