Human responses of the nursing professional to acoustic contamination


  • Monserrat Guadalupe Guadarrama Olvera
  • Susana Carolina Garrido Munguía
  • Jessica Guadalupe Nava Díaz
  • María Elena Alberto Bazán



Human responses, nursing professionals, noise pollution and noise


Noise is considered one of the main environmental pollutants, its study has not been developed with depth in the field of nursing, there is scientific evidence that show pathophysiological and behavioral changes in individuals who are exposed for a prolonged time; Predisposing changes in their daily lives. The nursing professional is not the exception the development of their activities is carried out in a continuous noisy environment, so it is of interest to analyze that human responses generated by the nursing professional in a hospital of second level of care, sought to identify the answers of the nursing professional to noise pollution, conducting an observational, descriptive and transversal study. The population was formed by 35 nursing professionals. The auditory comfort test of Maria Gómez-Cano Alfaro of the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work (RD286/2006) was applied; Has a mixed composition of 36 items divided into six dimensions. The sociodemographic variables demonstrated clinical and statistically significant reason why they are a risk factor for the presence of human responses (annoyance, anxiety, distress and stress) (RM = 3,500, CI.95% .372-32.978; p> 0.250). The working environment in which the nursing professionals analyzed work, determined that the noise pollution to which they are exposed increases significantly in relation to the noise of interference, and to a lesser degree with the noise typical of the work atmosphere, which resulted in the presence Of negative human responses such as stress and anger * p <(0.015). Consequently, noise is a factor that generates negative human responses in the nursing professional when it is submitted for a prolonged period generating discomfort, stress, anxiety and anger, being this a factor of distraction during the working day.


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How to Cite

Guadarrama Olvera, M. G., Garrido Munguía, S. C., Nava Díaz, J. G., & Alberto Bazán, M. E. (2017). Human responses of the nursing professional to acoustic contamination. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 16(2), 91–104.