Space concepts and notions of reading-writing in preschoolers with soft neurological signs




spatial concepts, reading-writing, soft neurological signs, preschoolers


The acquisition of cognitive processes in the first years of life shows a close relationship with the development of motor skills. In the preschool stage, the development of concepts and the notions of school learning such as reading-writing allow to know the cognitive processes of children. A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional research was carried out with 30 preschool children (15 girls and 15 boys) from the city of Xalapa, Veracruz. The spatial concepts and notions of reading-writing. The risk factors and soft neurological signs were documented. The objective was to analyze the development of spatial concepts and the notions of reading-writing in preschool children in the presence or absence of soft neurological signs. Were found negative associations between neurological soft signs and notions of reading-writing, as well a positive association between verbal IQ and reading- writing. The evaluation of the cognitive processes of preschool children and soft neurological signs will favour the implementation of adaptations in teaching methods for cases with clinical indicators of sensory alterations or motor and poor performance in language, spatial concepts and notions of reading-writing.


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How to Cite

Granados-Ramos, D. E., Catañeda-Landa, L. L. ., & Romero-Molina, Ángel O. (2019). Space concepts and notions of reading-writing in preschoolers with soft neurological signs. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 17(1), 3–9.