Level of adherence to the patient identification process





patient’s security, patient’s identification, quality, care


Introduction: the patient safety is an issue responsibility that all health professionals. Within the safety of the patient, correct identification is essential to for safety and quality in the health of the patient in care institution, at is it root cause of other errors arising in the hospital environment.

Objective: to know level of adherence to the process of correct identification of patients in a third level care hospital.

Material and methods: descriptive and transversal study from February to December 2016 in a third level hospital which was conducted. Study population were in medical unit; simple random sampling calculated from the number of hospital admissions (n = 220). A tool validated by consensus of experts with reliability calculated by 0.732 Cronbach’s alpha. It was used to assess the level of attachment.

Results: to assess the level of adherence to the correct identification in general process, the average (78.59) was found below the stablished score to affirm that there is a proper attachment. With respect to evaluated services, heterogeneos measurements that correspond to hospitalization 2 (93.75) and Pediatrics (91.81). In contrast to emergency admission (66.36) and pediatric ICU (22). Conclusion: there is attachment to the process of identification process of the patient with potential risk to their safety. There is a great area of opportunity to reduce events sentinel and adverse arising from the inadequate identification of the patient.


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How to Cite

Jiménez-Gutiérrez, M., Rayón-Leyva, F. ., Rojas-Manzano, V. ., & González-González, S. . (2019). Level of adherence to the patient identification process. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 17(1), 29–34. https://doi.org/10.51422/ren.v17i1.259