Degrees of resilience that older adults perceive while staying at a mexican hospital
resilience, older adult, risk factors, hospitalAbstract
Throughout life the elderly is immersed in various problems arising from social aspects, cultural, physical, family, among others this takes to develop protective factors that become it resilient: “a protection factor that favors us the development of resources and qualities that are put in place before the stressful events to confront situations that are happening ”.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the perception of older adults (OA) are based on the scale of Connor and Davidson in relation to protective factors that promote resilience. As a hypothesis, there is interrelation between the protective factors with the degree of resilience of the OA. This study questioned what the mayor protective factors in the development of the resilience of the OA? It was an observational research, conducted in a third level hospital. The sample was consisted of 120 OA without cognitive impairment, it found themselves hospitalized at the time of the questionnaire. Where are 62% old elderly based on the WHO classification. This sample, 68% are women, a predominantly social factor for the development of resilience is the economic position where it was found that 61% has a level of income that covers basic needs, 35% perceive that “they are able to adapt easily when there are changes”. Identify the relationship between protective factors and resilience hospitalizedolder adults have achieved according to indicators of Connor and Davidson.
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