Experience of emotions in a male mexican with diabetes mellitus
diabetes mellitus type 2, events that changed life, emotions, men´s healthAbstract
Introduction: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDS) are a challenge, but diabetes mellitus (DM) has first place because of its effects on the person. Although it has been investigated, there is a gap regarding the perspective of men, who show resistance to acceptance and seeking assistance, facilitating complications and comorbidities, which causes a range of emotions.
Objective: describe the experience of the emotions of a Mexican man with DM2 around glucose control.
Material and methods: Qualitative exploratory study with focus in a life history approach in a man with more than 10 years of suffering from DM2 and stable blood glucose. The information was collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation and field notes. Data were processed by thematic analysis.
Results: the experience of emotions in a man with DM2 transits as duality: sadness-happiness, a phenomenon that is recognized from the cause-effect relationship, between the ideas: diabetes as the cause of sadness and happiness in the face of disease control, giving Two impressions: living with the disease as support and the power of diabetes to “regulate happiness.”
Conclusions: the emotions in a Mexican man with DM2 in glucose control are contrasted: negative such as sadness cause a detachment of care in DM; However, positive such as happiness favor success in glycemic control, through a search for strategies.
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