Neuropsychological disorders and higher executive functions in teens of parents with alcoholism, seen from the Roy adaptation model




executive functions, family, adolescent, Roy adaptation model


 Alcoholism by parents is closely linked to causing cognitive alterations to both the person dependent on the substance and the people with whom he lives daily, there are cognitive skills of a superior type called executive functions, which regulate the complex actions of the Being human to carry a socially accepted behavior, these functions develop in adoles­cence, stage in which the brain reaches its size equal to that of the adult and therefore, its maturity. Callista Roy developed a model of the cognitive process based on the functional units of the brain, which is based on the knowledge of neuroscience and observations in nursing practice, in which he mentions the executive functions and the changes suffered by the patient teen.


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How to Cite

Mejía-Benavides, J. E. ., García-Campos, M. de L. ., & Beltrán-Campos, V. (2019). Neuropsychological disorders and higher executive functions in teens of parents with alcoholism, seen from the Roy adaptation model. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 17(2), 43–51.