Benefits of ludotherapy on the cognitive deterioration of the Older adults in a rest home in Aguascalientes
Ludotheraphy, Cognitive deterioration, Older adultsAbstract
Introduction: during aging changes occur at the biological, psychological and social level making individuals susceptible to develop cognitive impairment. Ludotherapy has been implemented to promote affectivity, creativity and sociability in the elderly. The game favors the discharge of energy and tension, facilitating the process of cognitive stimulation.
Objective: To identify the benefits of play therapy in cognitive deficits in older adults in a rest home from Aguascalientes.
Material and methods: a relational, quasi-experimental, longitudinal and prospective study, with non-probabilistic sample by criteria of 19 adults older than two older institution of Aguascalientes, who participated in a play intervention of 6 weeks, were evaluated with the Mini Folstein mental state examination in three temporary moments (pre-intervention, immediate post-intervention and late post-intervention). For the data analysis the SPSS 25 statistical package was used, using the statistical test of ranks with sign Wilcoxon. Results: It was obtained that the elderly improve their cognitive performance in the evaluations after the ludotherapy (W = -3.85, p = 0.0002), lasting the effect after 6 weeks of the program (W = -3.53, p = 0.0004).
Conclusion: The cognitive functioning of older adults is maintained and improved by performing recreational activities encouraging social interaction and fun.
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