Natividad Mariano Sánchez ( )Aguilar Eloy Margarita( )Jonathan de los Santos Chametla


  • Eloy Margarita Aguilar Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez
  • Natividad Mariano-Sánchez Hospital infantil de México Federico Gómez
  • Jonathan de los Santos-Chametla Hospital infantil de México Federico Gómez



uniform, fomite, associated infections, unifor, associated infections


The uniform as a garment that characterizes health personnel has undergone various changes, ideally it is cotton becase it controls moisture, is water resistant, hypoallergenic and adapts to weather conditions.

Proper dress corresponds to a nursing professional, as it instills respect and admiration because his image is of trust, knowledge and values before society. That is why the proper use of this is not only a matter of integrity and aesthetics but also projects purity, goodness and peace.In the hospital environment it is necessary that clothing and accessories have a daily and correct clea-ning; however, studies show that clothing and accessories are contaminated, which is why we review some  articles  that  allow  us  to  talk  about  the  importance  of  hygiene  to  prevent  health  care-related  infections.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, E. M., Mariano-Sánchez , N. ., & de los Santos-Chametla , J. . (2021). Natividad Mariano Sánchez ( )Aguilar Eloy Margarita( )Jonathan de los Santos Chametla . Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 19(3), 141–148.