Challenges for nursing care in the face of COVID-19 at the General Hospital Dr. Manuel Gea González, in México

Challenges for nursing care in the face of COVID-19 at the General Hospital Dr. Manuel Gea González, in México




Care, COVID-19, Challenges, Hospital


Introduction: on  December  12th,  2019,  Wuhan  Municipal  Health  Commission,  in  the  People’s  Republic of China, reported 27 human cases of a viral pneumonia. Its etiology was a novel human pathogen with high zoonotic potential known as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which was caused by the SARS- CoV-2 virus. It is of utmost priority for nurses to care for their COVID-19 pa-tients using all the available nursing technology, but also to use Specific Personal Protective Measures to prevent the spread of the disease between health workers.

Objective: to analyze the challenges for patient nursing care in the face of COVID- 19, at the Gene-ral Hospital Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez, in Mexico City.

Material and methods:  ninety-three documents were reviewed, all from prestigious databases.  Thirty were selected for an in-depth analysis to explore the challenges faced by nurses when caring for COVID-19 patients in a General Hospital for highly specialized care in Mexico City. The universe was the Nursing staff and interns from all the hospital services. The population is only the Nursing staff and interns who care for COVID-19 patients. The sample is the Nursing staff and interns who care for COVID-19 patients. Data collection was carried out via interviews. Nurse managers inter-viewed the hospital nursing staff and interns in selected services using cluster sampling.

Conclusions:  in the field of nursing, the challenges described have been the best way to provide patient care and save lives.


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How to Cite

Balseiro-Almario, C. L., Suasto-Gómez, W. M. ., Chaparro-Sánchez, M. A. ., Tapia-Juárez, Y. E. ., Jiménez-Escobar, I., Morales-Landa, M. ., Guerra-Ortiz, L. ., Benítez-Martínez, V. ., Aguilera-Padilla, N., López-Romero, A. Y., & Mares-Martínez, L. . (2021). Challenges for nursing care in the face of COVID-19 at the General Hospital Dr. Manuel Gea González, in México: Challenges for nursing care in the face of COVID-19 at the General Hospital Dr. Manuel Gea González, in México. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 20(1), 22–32.