Experiences of the family caregiver in the face of grief with the care of a nurse with an expanded role.





Nurse with expanded role, grief, older adult, Alzheimer's disease


Introduction: aging is accompanied by a propensity for chronic diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AE) this is the most common type of dementia, with which losses are experienced in the eldest adult (EA) and their family caregiver (CF).

Objective: to explore the experiences of the family caregiver in the face of grief with the attention received from a nurse in the exercise of the expanded role.

Material and methods: phenomenological qualitative research, exploratory design, selection at the convenience of a family caregiver of an older adult with EA and an extended role nurse (ERA) AM specialist. In-depth interviews, fieldnotes and observation were conducted. The analysis of the data was carried out according to S. Minayo, through a content analysis. Only one nurse with an expanded role and a family caregiver of an AM with EA were in the participation. With the ERA it was not possible to return to validate their responses in the interview due to the health contingency by SARS-CoV-2.

Results: when analyzing the discourses, 3 categories emerged: “start of the work of bereavement”, “friendship link” and “knowledge in tanatology”, which reflect the caregiver’s experience of the loss of the AM and the attention received from an ERA. The results showed some of the institutional and professional barriers nurses face in the face of the challenge of practicing as nurses with expanded roles.

Conclusion: the family, but especially the family caregiver of an AM with EA suffers a series of losses that must be taken care of by nursing professionals with expanded role as established by the Mexican Framework of Nursing Competences with Extended Role (MMCERA).


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How to Cite

Ramírez-Cortés, D., & Reyes-Audiffred, V. (2021). Experiences of the family caregiver in the face of grief with the care of a nurse with an expanded role. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 19(3), 116–124. https://doi.org/10.51422/ren.v19i3.311