Physical and mental health in patients with substitute treatment of renal function

Physical and mental health in patients with substitute treatment of renal function




physical health, mental health, renal dialysis, renal insufficiency chronic, quality of life


Introduction: chronic kidney disease (CKD) is recognized as a public health problem, among other reasons, due to the impact on the quality of life of people of all ages. The patient who is diagnosed with CKD is subjected to renal function replacement treatments that involve changes in physical and mental health.

Objective: to identify the characteristics of the physical and mental health status in patients with renal function replacement treatment on peritoneal dialysis at the Dr. Miguel Silva General Hospital in Morelia Michoacán.

Material and methods: descriptive cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach. Non-probabilistic sample n = 62 patients selected for convenience; Patients of both genders were included in peritoneal dialysis treatment. Data collected with the SF-36 questionnaire. Data analysis with descriptive statistics.

Results: age between 20 and 80 years, male gender predominated (61.3%). 82.3% present difficulty bending or kneeling, in relation to moderate efforts, 90.3% are limited to some degree, 64.5% presented moderate pain, 75.8% present difficulty when performing usual social activities, 59.7% are they felt discouraged and depressed. 74.2% never felt happy. The summary dimension score was made up of (72.02) physical health and (53.05) mental health.

Conclusion: it is necessary for nursing professionals to perceive the need and importance of knowing the emotional state of patients and designing strategies and measures to promote learning about the disease, treatment, self-care and better quality of life.


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How to Cite

Alcantar-González, J. (2021). Physical and mental health in patients with substitute treatment of renal function: Physical and mental health in patients with substitute treatment of renal function. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 20(1), 14–21.