Level of knowledge of the nursing professional when applying tissue plasminogen activator in patients with STROKE.
Nivel de conocimiento del profesional de enfermería al aplicar el activador plasminógeno tisular en pacientes con ICTUS
Ischaemic stroke, Fibrinolysis, Trhombolysis, Alteplase, Care nursingAbstract
Introduction:The treatment with recombinant activator of the tissue plasminógeno (English abbreviation in rt-PA), applied by intravenous route (VIV) is the procedure of forward edge in cases of attack of cerebrovascular acute (ACVA) in a window of 4.5 hours from the beginning of the symptoms of ACVA and with low risk of hemorrágica transformation of the infarct cerebra. Even, in a recent metaanálisis, this beneficial effect stays in spite of the age, superior to 80 years and of independent form of the size of the cerebral infarct. 4,5Este work tries to inspect the level of knowledge of the personnel of infirmary in the care and the application of the recombinant activator of the tissue plasminógeno (rt-PA) in susceptible patients with ictus of fibrinolítico treatment in an institution of third level. With the purpose Of implementing the registry code ictus in the service of urgencies of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery Manuel Velasco Suárez, and of outlining the guide of performance in the infirmary professionals.
General objective: To inspect the level of knowledge of the personnel of infirmary in the care and the application of the recombinant activator of the tissue plasminógeno (rt-PA) in the Ictus, the service of urgencies.
Hypothesis: If the level of knowledge of the infirmary personnel is adapted in the service of urgencies, then the patients will diminish the neurological sequels to the maximum and possible added complications.
Methodology: It was made a observacional and cross-sectional study in the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery Manuel Velasco Suárez of the City of Mexico, with a sampling by convenience participated 33 professionals of infirmary who toil in the service of Urgencies, were observed the 24 hours of the day. Between the inclusion criteria it was taken into account to nurses of all the categories, was excluded medical personnel, substitute stretcher-bearers and nurses. An instrument was applied to evaluate the knowledge that has the nurse of the isquémica vascular disease, as well as for the interventions of infirmary in the immediate and mediate care in the administration of the drug Tissue Activator of Plasminógeno
Results: This study in which the level of knowledge of professionals of infirmary in an institution of third level is valued, calls the attention that single 58%de the population knows the time vital to recover to the brain, another data that alarms is that 30% of the population do not know clearly the concept of Ictus and to the being an institution of neurological specialty of must take action to revert these calculations. Discussion: The paper of the professionals of infirmary in units specialized in neurological affections to the patients with ictus is to provide a care of quality, effective and efficient, besides to participate in the integral valuation of the patient and in the administration of the Actilyse when it is a fibrinolítica therapy. He is by that the nurse must be formed on the cuidaos that east type of patients, the own complications of the pathology requires, treatment and indirect effect of mimo. To propose an integral plan of cares, because already the personnel has knowledge on the matter of the disease and the application of the tissue activator, but would be interesting to implement for the professionals in formation, as well as a proposal is made as guide of performance.
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