Marketing and caregivers for the elderly
Marketing and caregivers for the elderly
Older adults (OA) as subjects of law, have multiple needs for support in different physical, psychosocial and spiritual spheres. In general, these are resolved through the figure of the caregiver, defined as the person with theoretical and instrumental training to satisfy the aforementioned demands.
In the sociodemographic dimension, the population's requirements are correlated with the demographic transition, manifested by the reduction in fertility and mortality of the population in general; consequently, increase the life expectancy and longevity of the population.1 The increase in MAP in Mexico implies an increase in demand for services2 for the care and maintenance of the functionality of the elderly (OA).
From another perspective, marketing offers great benefits to caregivers to maximize consumer satisfaction and improve people's quality of life; It is vital to establish a degree of knowledge of caregivers about marketing and support to determine its levels of applicability in the field of OA care, in order to incorporate new skills to MAP caregivers, promote home care, participation professionals from other disciplines who train caregivers in various areas of care3 to improve the human capital offered to gerontological organizations.
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