Nursing specialization in anesthesiology and resuscitation as a training need in Cuba
Specialist nurses, Graduate nursing educatiob, Postgraduate programs in health, Anesthetist nursesAbstract
Introduction: Postgraduate specialties constitute the academic training that provides the professional with the updating, deepening, improvement or expansion of labor competencies for the care performance that is required.
Objective: to explore the perception of certified nurses for the practice of anesthesiology on the need to train specialist nurses in anesthesiology and resuscitation.
Methods: A qualitative study of the Convergent Care Research type was carried out in the Teaching and Research Department of The Provincial Pediatric University Hospital of Villa Clara, Cuba between the months of January and March of the year 2022. The universe was composed of 100 nursing professionals. certificates in anesthesiology and the sample selected through a proven theory was made up of 80. Informal interviews and discussion groups were conducted as instruments in the investigative process.
Results: the participants will perceive as necessary the training of specialist nurses in anesthesiology, resuscitation and pain relief. The strategies to achieve this training must be directed to its approval by the postgraduate instances of the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Higher Education.
Conclusions: the training of nurses specialized in anesthesiology and resuscitation is imperative, as it will guarantee the adequate renewal of this human resource, have trained nurses capable of providing optimal anesthesiological care, reach a higher professional level than place them parallel to other areas. of care and train younger human resources that have a higher level of preparation in this specialty.
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