Experiences of the family caregiver with the use of Information and Communication Technologies: Implementation of an educational intervention
Family Caregiver, Tele-nursing, caregiver, Information and Communication Technology, TICsAbstract
Introduction: Health professionals can use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to provide support and advice at a distance.
Objective: Description of the experiences of a family caregiver (FC) with the use of ICTs in the implementation of an educational intervention to support her self-care and the care of the Older Adult (OA).
Methodology: Case study with qualitative approach. An undergraduate intern in Nursing and Midwifery implemented an educational intervention with a FC from December 15, 2020 to June 25, 2021, during the covid-19 pandemic. Data collection was gathered with in-depth interviews, Whatsapp text and voice messages, as well as direct observation. Thematic type content analysis was performed according to de Souza Minayo.
Results: The cell phone was identified as the most used device, Whatsapp video call and voice message functions as the most useful and preferred tools by the FC, and infographics and videos as the most appropriate educational materials for this population.
Limitations: Only one female FC and one male OA were included in this study. This may generate response bias, as the FC was perhaps more motivated and willing to participate than other hypothetical caregivers. Value: Implementation of a new communication channel between the nursing professional, the OA, the FC, and other family members.
Conclusions: Training in the use of ICTs was accepted by the FC to improve her self-care and care of the OA.
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