Humanized care of the nursing professional in the care of hospitalized cancer patients


  • María del Carmen Gómez-Lucio Instituto de Seguridad Social del Estado de México y Municipios, Red Mexicana de Enfermería en la Prescripción A.C., Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermería del Estado de Méxic



Nursing care, Humanism, Patient, Oncology


Introduction: Caring for cancer patients is an interaction that goes beyond satisfying physical needs, it is caring for the person in a holistic way, where the humanization of care favors the essential link of the profession, it is an interaction between science and values to establish quality care. quality, giving solution to the human responses of the patient.

Objective: To identify the level of humanized care provided by the nursing professional to patients hospitalized in an oncology center.

Material and methods: Descriptive, observational cross-sectional study. Non-probabilistic opportunity and sequential sampling with a quota of 35 patients. Measurement carried out with the: “Instrument Perception of Humanized Care in Hospitalized Patients”. Analysis of results through descriptive statistics.

Results: The level of care provided to hospitalized cancer patients is very humanized, patients report receiving friendly treatment with a positive effect on them, derived from the attitude of the nurse in her being and doing care, they perceive a relationship of trust where knowledge and Experience in favor of your health since the nursing professional provides individualized and empathetic care, favoring communication, expression of feelings and emotions; listening to them beyond their illness satisfying their physical, social, cultural and spiritual needs.

Discussion: People with oncological disease perceive receiving humanized care when mentioning that the nursing professional acts understanding the patient from knowing, knowing how to do and knowing how to be, which allows them to positively face their disease process.

Conclusions: The level of quality humanized care is a relationship that occurs between the nursing professional and the person they care for, in this human quality of care, communication prevails, the power that the word and hearing have in the field of attention, transcendental to generate confidence; coupled with the scientific foundation, empathetic attitude, technical and professional skills given by experience, allowing intervention in a humane, effective, efficient and safe way.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Lucio, M. del C. (2023). Humanized care of the nursing professional in the care of hospitalized cancer patients. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 22(1), 31–46.