Evaluation of conscious pronation in cancer patients with SARSCoV- 2





Cancer patient, SARSCOV2, pronation


Introduction: The increase of COVID cases with respiratory problems of variable complexity and the current inclusion of pharmacological and therapeutic treatments in the oncologic population are reasons to study the effects of prone position in conscious patients.

Material and methods: A quantitative study of retrospective design and a review of clinical records was performed. The sample consisted of 100 files that met the inclusion criteria. Descriptive data analysis included frequencies and percentages, while hypothesis testing was performed using the student’s t-test for related samples. 

Results: The predominant sex was female with 52%, where hematooncologic cancer was the  predominant type of cancer. According to the capacity of people with cancer to carry out activities, 54% of the population was able to live at home and take care of themselves.

Limitations of the  tudy: Lack of a control group, and inclusion of some study variables that could have intervened in the results.

Originality: This article has value due to the lack of information on the cancer patient and COVID-19.

Conclusions: Pronation is a management option in oncologic patients, which may allow for limited damage or complications. Understanding that it is an intervention that requires a previous  evaluation to determine if the conditions are favorable to apply it.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Cisneros, J. A. ., Ponce-Gómez, G., & Estrada-Cadena, J. C. . (2024). Evaluation of conscious pronation in cancer patients with SARSCoV- 2. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 22(3), 220–229. https://doi.org/10.51422/ren.v22i3.437