NNursing interventions for post-operated person of meningioma based on the self-care model





Nursing interventions, Meningioma, Neurorehabilitation, Self-Care


Introduction: The following case study addresses the neurological sequelae of a post-operated person with recurrent meningioma implemented care plans based on the self-care model with a neurological approach.

Objective: To develop a case study in a post-operated person of a meningioma resection with neurological sequelae by applying nursing care plans under the Dorotea Orem model with the purpose of improving the quality of life of the sick person.

Methodology: Legal sources established at the international and national level were applied, following the principles of ethics in health research, general health law, official standards and the implementation of informed consent, the selection of participants was made with criteria of convenience for the author and the data were obtained through direct sources (interview, assessments) and indirect sources (clinical file).

Presentation of the case study: 35-year-old male person with signs of probable recurrence of meningioma (tongue paresthesia, dysarthria, headache, and hearing loss).

Registration plan: a registration plan was made through the mnemotechnic CUIDARME, and continuous monitoring was conducted by digital means.

Conclusions: The established objectives were achieved through the implementation of nursing care plans and the discharge plan; we continue to collaborate with the person and the family at home until today.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Várguez, Z. A., & Balcazar-Martínez, M. V. (2024). NNursing interventions for post-operated person of meningioma based on the self-care model. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 22(3), 266–280. https://doi.org/10.51422/ren.v22i3.441