Application level of FAST HUG mnemonics in the ICU of the Centro Médico Naval
FAST HUG, Quality of Care, Nursing Intensive CareAbstract
Introduction: The application of the FAST HUG mnemonic is one of the most widely used techniques in ICU patients to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, safety, and quality of care, as this aids in the timely identification of key aspects that contribute to the improvement of the health of critically ill patients. Objective: to describe the level of application of the FAST-HUG mnemonic in the ICU by nursing staff. Materials and methods: This is a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional, and prospective study conducted in different shifts to critical patients by means of a checklist with the indicators contemplated in the mnemonic. Results: The level of adherence to the FAST-HUG protocol is sufficient, given by a compliance of 81.4%. These results can be attributed to efficient adherence in 4 parts of the mnemonic (S, H, U and G) with percentages higher than 90%. However, there is an insufficient adherence in the early feeding initiation, with 43% compliance. Conclusions: The nursing performance on the care of critical patients in the ICU of CEMENAV is sufficient and benefits their recovery. At the same time, it represents an opportunity to aspire to improve the level of application, in addition to including new quality protocols that increase the quality of care for patients.
Key words: FAST-HUG, Quality of Care, Nursing, Intensive Care.
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