Functions and responsabilities of the editorial bodies


Functions of the Editorial Committee (International, National, Institutional)

  • Promote among the national and international academic community the submission of works for possible publication in the journal.
  • Suggest academic guidelines for the journal’s editorial policy.
  • Promote the dissemination of the journal in national and international academic media.
  • Participate as reviewers of the received works for their publication or recommend other experts as reviewers.

Functions and responsibilities of the editorial council

  • Promote among the national and international academic community the submission of works for possible publication in the journal.
  • Help to select the reviewers for the works received, also to deliberate on the best options for reviewers when necessary.
  • Decide on the relevance of publishing the materials received, supporting on the experts’ reviews.
  • Approve the content proposed for each journal issue.
  • Revise and assess each issue published.
  • Collaborate with the corresponding instances so as to maintain the periodicity established for the journal.

Functions and responsibilities of the editor

  • Coordinate actions conducting to meet the journal’s goals.
  • Ensure a high academic level in the published content.
  • Receive the works proposed for publication and ask for the reviews.
  • Supervise that the reviewers’ recommendations are addressed.
  • Communicate the authors about the submitted manuscript’s status in the process.
  • Communicate the Editorial Committee about the review process of all the material received, preserving confidentiality.
  • Propose the Editorial Committee the content for each journal issue from the text that are ready and approved at the time.
  • Plan and coordinate the journal’s editorial production process.
  • Supervise the technical processing of the materials approved by the Editorial Committee, once the established academic requirements are met.
  • Supervise the proofreading and technical quality of the journal.
  • Collaborate to maintain the periodicity established for the journal’s publication and ensure that the dissemination and distribution of each issue of the journal begins during the first month of the corresponding period.