Editorial management
Selection process
The manuscripts received will be submitted to a selection process that lasts approximately 6 months:
Editorial opinion: Upon receiving the manuscript through the OJS platform, compliance with the established policies is verified. It is submitted to the similarity program (Ithenticate, Crossref) to rule out inappropriate practices.
If any are identified, depending on the seriousness of the conduct, a letter of estrangement will be sent to the authors and a request for an explanation in this regard; or the rejection of the article and official notice of estrangement.
Academic Opinion: After the editorial opinion, the academic and scientific value of the document is examined (peer review) carried out through an arbitration system by expert peers in different subjects, national and/or international, external to the Editorial Committee.
The editors appoint two arbitrators and in the event that their opinions disagree with one another, a third is assigned. The opinions can be: Accepted, Accepted with minimal modifications, requires restructuring (1 month is granted from its notification to the author, to resubmit the document with modifications, with a maximum of 3 resubmissions) and Not accepted. In this phase, the anonymity of both authors and reviewers is protected.
Resolution: The editorial team, based on the guidelines of the journal, the academic or scientific value of the article and the opinion of the scientific committee, define whether the article is published.