Inclusiver Language and with a gender perspective

In order to achieve a more just and inclusive society in the achievement of equity and equality of the sexes at all levels, the Journal of Neurological Nursing has marked, as one of its priorities, to follow an editorial policy in favor of a inclusive language in all its articles. For this reason, it is recommended that the authors use terms that allude to both genders, such as: students, teachers, students, infancy, childhood, people, human beings, teachers, research staff, teaching staff, etc.

In line with this context, we demand a constant effort to transform our editorial bodies and policies to favor gender equality, which we materialize through the following actions:


  • The style guidelines contain specific recommendations in favor of the use of inclusive language in articles and published works.
  • The journal includes the full name of the authors of the papers it publishes.
  • In scientific articles, the authors are requested that the data of origin of the research take gender into account, in order to allow the identification of possible differences.


For more information on inclusive language and with a gender perspective, consult:

Manual for the use of inclusive language and with a gender perspective

Internal communication lines for the use of inclusive and non-sexist language

Guide for the use of inclusive and non-sexist language, CNDH Mexico