Retraction Policies

Authors may withdraw their writing as long as:

Shipping phase.

An obvious error in the data presented is suspected or discovered and this involves doing new experiments.
The authors require a complementary analysis.

Review phase.

Do not start peer review for a period longer than 1-3 months.
There is no final opinion in a period of 4-6 months.

The author must write a letter addressed to the Editorial Committee where the scientific or moral reasons for the withdrawal are clearly argued.

It is the policy of Revista de Enfermería Neurológica not to alter or eliminate the published scientific record, in the interest that the articles should remain unchanged as far as possible. The Journal responds to suggestions of scientific and ethical misconduct or convincing evidence that published data is erroneous. This may require the posting of a formal retraction or correction.

Fixes to problems that do not significantly affect reader comprehension will not be published.

The requested amendments to the Journal are divided into errata, corrections and retractions.


The errata faith applies only to cases in which the Journal introduces errors without the knowledge of the author during the editing process. The author has a number of cases where errors can and should be corrected, such as the author's name, email, keywords, title, significant typographical errors, errors in figure or table numbers or their legends, proof corrections submitted, but not included in the article during editing.


Corrections are requested from the Editor when the authors detect errors after the publication of the article that compromise the validity of the scientific content and its reproducibility. Corrections are judged on their relevance to readers and their importance to the published record. Corrections are judged according to whether the main conclusion of the article no longer stands or is seriously undermined as a result of subsequent information unknown to the authors at the time of publication.

If readers detect a significant error in a document, they are asked to submit their comments as a "Letter to the Editor." These articles submitted as “Letter to the Editor” will be reviewed by two academic peers and will also be sent to the original authors for their comments. The “Letter to the Editor” and the original authors' comments will be published in the same issue.


Retractions are published if the Publisher has clear evidence that the published data is unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (for example, fabrication of data or plagiarism) or an honest mistake (for example, miscalculation). In the event of a retraction, the article of record will be digitally watermarked with the word 'Retracted'

Item removal

Removal of an item will take place in rare circumstances where the issues are very serious in nature and cannot be addressed by a notice of correction or retraction. This will only happen:

When the article is clearly defamatory, or infringes other legal rights.
When an item is subject to a court order.
When the item, if not acted upon, could pose a serious health risk.

In the event that an article is removed, the metadata (authorship and title) will be kept and the text will be replaced by a document indicating that the article has been removed for legal reasons.