Journal sections


  1. Editorial
  2. Original articles (Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed)
  3. Review Articles (Meta-analysis, Systematized, Narrative, Historical)
  4. Innovation Articles for Practice (Original Proposals, Case Study, Clinical Cases, Clinical Practice Update)
  5. Brief communications… reflective articles (Essays, reviews, scholarly communications)
  6. Letters to the editor



This section will be by invitation, in which an expert guest gives his opinion and reflects on a current issue, in any aspect related to the health sciences that may be of interest to nursing professionals and that reflects their experience.


Original articles

The works that apply for this section must be original results derived from a high-level academic work, derived from basic or clinical research, referring to the thematic areas of interest of the journal. All the texts sent to this section must accredit a rigorous peer review process, under the double-blind modality. They can be quantitative research (the association or relationship between variables that can be measured is studied), or qualitative (focuses on the understanding of structural and situational contexts.


Review Articles

It consists of a detailed, selective and critical study that integrates the most relevant information on a specific topic. Its purpose is to examine the published literature and place it in an analytical perspective. All the texts sent to this section must accredit a rigorous peer review process, under the double-blind modality. They may be:

a) Meta-analysis: its objective is to synthesize available evidence on multiple mediations and allow indirect comparisons between those interventions that have not been reported in the literature, based on a common comparator; also rank the effectiveness of interventions. This type of review must transparently show the methodology used and the statistical methods in order to allow the reader to scrutinize the evidence provided.

b) Systematized reviews: they aim to exhaustively examine published research on a subject in a limited period, use criteria for the review that are applied uniformly to each of the documents included, comprehensively report the results and the process to obtain them, in order that the methods and the assumptions are of free scrutiny for the reader.

c) Narrative: includes a simple quantification of the results, limiting itself to counting the number of studies with positive and negative results.

d) Historical: its purpose is to present the treatment that has been given to a specific subject in its different approaches or perspectives.


Innovation Articles for Practice

It consists of articles with information in which the authors transform and improve nursing care in the clinical setting. Its objective is to highlight and promote creative initiatives to present and discuss ideas, projects, approaches, novel techniques, as well as improvements in existing processes, until the development of new technologies and care approaches that promote the advancement of the profession, improve the quality in patient care and are replicable in other settings.

This section seeks to inspire nursing professionals to think creatively, seeking original solutions to the challenges they face in their daily practice. Promotes the exchange of knowledge and learning between professionals, with the aim of raising the standards of care. Pilot studies, clinical studies, daily practices, among others, will be disseminated and may be:

a) Original proposals: their purpose is to disseminate scientific information in the presentation of innovative research, studies or projects carried out by nursing professionals. The main objective is to promote the dissemination of knowledge and experiences, fostering innovation and scope in the practice of patient care.

b) Case studies: they are detailed, exhaustive investigations on a patient, a family or a group of people; In this section they can disseminate or examine a phenomenon or situation in depth, understand its context, the patient's history, the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, the care plan implemented, treatment, and results obtained. In this section, the objective is to share in the field of nursing, the purpose of case studies is written to share clinical experiences and promote the acquisition of practical knowledge.

c) Clinical cases: it is a section dedicated to presenting and analyzing detailed studies of health care, providing an opportunity to share practical experiences; highlight the role of nursing in patient care. The objective of this section is to present real and detailed cases, highlighting the nursing practice to promote critical reflection, the exchange of knowledge and experiences between nursing professionals and other health areas. These cases can span a wide variety of areas such as hospital care, primary care, hospice care, community care, wound and ostomy clinic care, skilled nursing care, infusion therapy nursing care, vascular access, mental health, health at work, among others. In addition, it can include ethical, legal or cultural aspects that have arisen during the care of the people under study.

d) Clinical practice update: In this section, scientific articles will be published that comply with a systematic review of scientific evidence, the assessment of the risks and benefits of different healthcare alternatives, as well as original, innovative and/or relevant proposals in the field. care, management, administration, research and education. The main objective is to optimize the updated review of quality care and safety of patient care, updating techniques, procedures, clinical management and maintenance.


Letters to the editor

They are written in response to some content previously published in the REN, their publication will be at the editor's discretion.