Healing touch: an option for holistic nursing care
holistic nursing, healing touch, careAbstract
Nursing has diversified its field of action when it incorporated new health trends, which allow it to stay at the vanguard and propose innovative activities that will help patients to improve their health. Nursing has developed models and paradigms from different conceptual bases including implicit philosophy of holism, which gives importance to understanding of human being as a unit, integrating its components: mind, body and spirit. Characteristics of each paradigm have influenced the development of nursing as in other scientific disciplines, generating an independent knowledge and maintaining continuity over changes in knowledge orientation that identified us within a health team. Healing touch (HT) aims to make a closely interaction with patient, previously communicating what Healing Touch techniques are about, and which will be the patient’s cooperation. When selected Healing Touch techniques are applied for patient’s care, each one is directed by ethical issues. Through this article it will be revealed the relationship between holistic nursing and healing touch.