Matching interobserver assessment scale of Child Development Bayley II


  • Ma. Magdalena Álvarez Ramírez
  • Dora Elizabeth Granados Ramos
  • Pablo Pacheco Cabrera
  • Tania Ivonne Hernández Coloa



agreement, interobserver agreement, Bayley II scale


An important element when conducting research projects in children is decreasing interobserver bias when making measurements.

When the validity of an instrument of evaluation is ensured, the magnitude of error can be determined through studies of concordance, whose purpose is to estimate how much two observers agree in their assessment.

The Scale of Infant Development Bayley II evaluates the development of children 1-42 months of age. The test consists of three distinct subscales: cogni­tive, motor and behavioral. The aim of the present study was to determine interobserver agreement on the implementation of the Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID-II, 1993) in children 1-42 months of age.

A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 30 children born at term without a diagnosis of neurological, genetic or metabolic diseases that attended external consultation in the lab of Psychobiology during the period august 2013 to may 2014. A clinical history was documented, and the BSDI-II scale was applied, the agreement was assessed by Cohen´s Kappa test mean with Epi dat 4 software.

The prevalence of developmental delay in chil­dren was 67% concordance was observed in the mental development index k = 0.9528 as well as in the psychomotor development index k = 0.9023.

The analysis demonstrated concordance between the two professionals, which means that according to the categories no bias in occurred. This data is a positive indicator with respect to the level of coor­dination and the agreement in the diagnosis and also facilitates the implementation of an appro­priate treatment for each of the cases evaluated.




How to Cite

Álvarez Ramírez, M. M., Granados Ramos, D. E., Pacheco Cabrera, P., & Hernández Coloa, T. I. (2015). Matching interobserver assessment scale of Child Development Bayley II. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 14(2), 69–78.