Experiences of a bachelor`s degree nursing intern in caring for an older adult with depression
Experiences of a bachelor`s degree nursing intern in caring for an older adult with depression
Advanced beginner, Autoethnography, AgedAbstract
Introduction: Depressive disorder is part of the diseases that occur in the older adult and lead to the need specialized care that can be collaborated by an advanced nursing beginner.
Objective: to describe the experiences of an advanced nursing beginner in the care of an older adult with inpatient depression within a third-level health institution of care in the City of Mexico.
Material and methods: qualitative research through autoethnography. The data was collected August 2019 to March 2020. Through interviews, observation and fieldnotes in the hospitalization service of a third-tier psychiatric institution located in Mexico City. They participated: the researcher as an advanced beginner, an older adult diagnosed with major depression disorder and thoughts of death, a family caregiver and health team.
Results: category “Direction and unfolding with the eldest adult” subcategories: a) Preparation and encounter with the eldest adult with depression, b) Development in assessment, diagnosis and plan-ning, c) Implementation of activities, d) Rethinking of activities, and e) Registration and closure. Limitations: Reduced time period of hospitalization of the older adult. Value: Advanced beginner experiences will serve as a reference for interns who start social service.
Conclusions: during the provision of social service an advanced beginner relates theory and practice in a real scenario for the acquisition of skills and competencies, but it is of the utmost importance to have the tutoring of nurses.
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