Theory of care, applied in the care of children with neuropsychiatric diseases during non-invasive brain stimulation

Teoría de los cuidados, aplicada en el cuidado de niños con enfermedades neuropsiquiátricas durante la estimulación cerebral no invasiva




nursing theory, nursing care, nurse-user/client relationship


Introduction: care is the raison d'être of the nursing profession and constitutes its object of study, making it the center of interest for nursing research, it is a necessity, which will strengthen its body of knowledge, with foundations and scientific, humanistic principles based on theoretical models that guide discipline and professional practice.

Objective: Describe the link of Theory of care to the care of children with neuropsychiatric diseases during non-invasive brain stimulation.

Methods: a non-systematic review of the literature was carried out to develop a reflective critical analysis of different documents that included books, theses and scientific articles. Bibliographic databases: PubMed, CUMED, CINAHL, CUIDEN, Lilacs and Google Scholar were used. The principles of content analysis were followed, including the identification of meanings that were indicated more repetitively, their consistency, explanations and relationships, throughout all the studies included in this review.

Conclusions: Swanson's theory of care describes the relationships between nursing professionals and clients; It contributes to the nursing professional assuming responsible decisions regarding care that ensure their quality.


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How to Cite

Peña-Figueredo, M. de los Ángeles, Aguirre-Raya, D. ., Marín-Hernández, T. ., Elers-Mastrapa, Y. ., & Gómez-Fernández, L. . (2022). Theory of care, applied in the care of children with neuropsychiatric diseases during non-invasive brain stimulation: Teoría de los cuidados, aplicada en el cuidado de niños con enfermedades neuropsiquiátricas durante la estimulación cerebral no invasiva. Revista De Enfermería Neurológica, 20(3), 231–236.