Knowledge and efficacy of hands hygiene, a comparative study between nurses and medical doctors at the INNN, from September 2008 to June 2009
hand washing, infectious, preventAbstract
The hand washing is the universal technique most effective and economic that is known to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases, it requires running water, soap and disposables towels, in all the hospitalization rooms it’s the most economic and effective way to prevent nosocomial diseases.
Objective: identify the knowledge and effectiveness that the nurse professional and physicians has inside the INNN.
Material and methods: type of design: descriptive, comparative.
Universe: Nurse professional from the National Neurosurgery and Neurological Institute INNN.
Population: nurse professionals and physicians from the hospitalization area, sample: It be taken a conventional sample of hand washing events from 42 nurses and 33 physicians.
Inclusion criteria: nurses and physicians from the hospitalization area.
Elimination and exclusion: will disposed the cases that doesn’t respond in the correct way the scale.
Identify variables: knowledge level about hand washing, effectiveness, category, hand washing mode.
Data processing: through the program named SPSS 17.0 version.
Recollection: Lickert scale of 29 items with 0.60 of Crombach alpha, Count. In SPSS, relative frequencies.
Ethic aspects: the research doesn’t imply process that compromises the confidentiality of the interviewed people.